Filmify: Of the cinema. By the cinema. For the cinema.
Cinema like never before. We bring a range of quality cinema right on to your screen. And back it up with in-depth analysis of the box-office performance, cinema trade affairs, enriching interviews of cinema personalities, behind-the-scenes factors of film-making and more. It will be an assured treat for cinema lovers and cinema learners.
As the name suggests, Filmify will modify your world with rich cinema information. The world of cinema has attracted you no end. It will further intensify your engagement with this make-believe world that you love so deeply.
A must-watch channel for cine-maniacs, Filmify brings you the critic’s view, director’s perception, actor’s emotion and more, giving you a complete and comprehensive picture of a film. You will get to know in-depth, how and why it performed the way it did. Added to it, you will get to see the classics and the new frame on the block from the convenience of your personal space. Life will get transformed with this enriching amalgamation of 24 arts.
So, let the curtains rise.